Thursday, August 13, 2009

Flashy Lightning

While it appears Murray Foster's eco-blog has gone in a direction much similar to this thing you're reading right now (that would be nowhere, in case you were wondering), I admire the modest aspirations with which he set out upon his blogging experiment:

"Do I think these humble postings will eventually be bound in large, hardcover books with gilt-edged pages that are stored in vacuum-sealed rooms in major libraries and then taken out once a year on the anniversary of my birth (or my death – I'm not sure which) by castrated priests in vermilion robes who recite the sacred texts while the townspeople dance a frenzied mazurka until they collapse from exhaustion? Yes. Otherwise, what’s the point?"

Now. Some social networking commentator recently said of blogs that "Never have so many said so much about so little to so few." But screw that. I'm going to espouse Murray's approach as I try to organize what feels like a bit of renewed creative energy and motivation into something focused and good. I'm flashy lightning right now. Which is better than a calm, clear night, but not as productive as a bright, clean bolt cutting through the sky.

While those of you who have had the displeasure of experiencing my apartment (and it is an experience) lately might approach the rest of this sentence with skepticism, I prefer things to be organized and complete before I open them up to other people. But going forward, I'm going to try to use this blog a a sandbox, to play in, and to see what works. If I push enough sand around, I might just create a castle someday.

(An aside to Murray: Would you please publish more of what you're thinking?? The stuff you've put in print makes me laugh, and it makes me want to write more.)

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